Bylaws of the West Valley Nurses’ Club

January 20, 2023

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be West Valley Nurses’ Club

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to:

  • Provide opportunities for discussing/presenting current nursing and medical information

  • Provide information and fellowship with other nurses

  • Support nursing students via the West Valley Nurses’ Club Scholarship(s)

Article III: Membership

Membership in this organization will be limited to retired and active registered Nurses from the West Valley. Registered Nurses may be guests no more than twice a year without joining the club

Article IV: Meetings

Meetings shall be held monthly, from October through May. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors. In the event the President is unavailable, or unable to preside over meetings, the vice president will preside.

Article V: Officers

The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers shall be members for at least one year.

  1. The President shall:

    1. Conduct all meetings of the organization

    2. Appoint a replacement for any elected officer if/when a vacancy occurs, or a person is unable to fulfill the duty of their role. This appointment must have the Board of Directors’ approval.

    3. Appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, a reviewer to verify the treasurer’s records at the close of the fiscal year.

    4. Serve as Ex-Officio member of all Committees

    5. Serve as an Ad Hoc member of the Executive Board for one year following the expiration of the term.

  2. The Vice President shall:

    1. Assume the Office of the President at the end of the President’s term.

    2. Assume the duties of the President in her absence.

    3. Perform other duties as assigned

  3. The Secretary shall:

    1. Record minutes of monthly meetings

    2. Record minutes of the Board of Director’s meetings

  4. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Collect money for luncheons

    2. Receive membership dues

    3. Receive Scholarship monies

    4. Pay all bills and commitments of the Club

    5. Maintain a separate record of the scholarship monies

    6. Monitor expenditures by the club

Article VI: Board of Directors and Executive Committee

The Board of Directors for the West Valley Nurses’ Club shall consist of the Executive Committee and the Chairmen of Standing Committees. Board of Directors Meeting will be held prior to the monthly meeting.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers; President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The Executive Committee shall authorize all club expenditures exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) with the exception of the monthly luncheon.

Article VII: Elections

Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Officers may serve an additional term if duly elected to the office. Officers shall be elected at the November meeting of the election year. The newly elected officers shall assume their duties on January 1st following their elections. It is recommended by the Board of Directors that 2 of the 4 Executive officers be elected each year. The President and the Vice President should not be elected in the same year.

Article VIII: Fiscal Year

The Fiscal year will be from January 1st to December 31st.

Article IX: Dues

Annual dues shall be $25.00 payable December 1st. These dues may be changed at any regular meeting by a majority of members present.

Article X: Scholarships

A Contribution to the Scholarship fund will be solicited yearly from members at the time of renewal of dues. Scholarships will be awarded by the Club President each Spring and Fall to a student(s) attending a school of professional nursing.

Article XI: Committees

The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. Consists of three (3) members, one of whom will come from the Board of Directors.

  2. Present the slate of nominees at the November meeting in the year of elections.

Standing Committees shall:

  1. Be designed as the;

    1. Program

    2. Membership

    3. Luncheon

    4. Publicity

    5. Historian

    6. Sunshine committees

    7. Webmaster

  2. Be appointed by the President for a two (2) year term

  3. Refer to the “Duties of Chairmen” for direction in performing their duties

Article XII: Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority of the members present.

Article XIII: Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s rule of Order, the latest edition, will be guiding parliamentary law of the organization.